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The Science


The 3 pillars of our events are:

1. The natural environment

2. The body & mind activities

3 The community

Each of these has been proven to help with mental health. Here is the science we back this on:


1. Natural environments


a. Circadian rythms


Our events take place at sunrise. The Nobel Prize of Medicine 2017 was based on circadian rhythms. We now know that our bodies have internal clocks that work best when in tune with daylight cycles. We encourage people to wake up early and be more in tune with our natural cycles.


b. Sunlight exposure


The sunlight and its UV rays provide Vitamin D to our bodies. Deficiencies in Vitamin D is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies.


c. Being in nature


A 2006 American Scientist study on perceptual pleasure and the brain chronicles how viewing stimulating, dynamic natural scenes triggers an increase in interactions of the opioid)receptors in the brain’s visual cortex—making viewing nature a physically pleasurable experience compared to looking at a blank wall or concrete-covered street (Biederman and Vessel 2006).



2. Body & mind activities


a. The science behind yoga


There are now numerous studies showing the impact of yoga on our biochemistry and especially to reduce stress & anxiety.

Here are 4 studies:


b. The science behind meditation


Meditation has been proven to change the shape of your brain to give more power to the neocrotex compared to the amygdala. This TEDx talk by Harvard neuroscientist Sara Lazar is a great study about it.



3. Communities


a. The importance of connections


According to the longest study conducted on happiness, connections and relationship is the single most important factor correlating with a happy life. This TED talk presents the results pretty well.


b. Hugging


Hugs have been proven to increase the production of oxytocin, responsible for an elevation of one's mood. In his book The Upward Spiral, neuroscientist Alex Korb says: "A hug, especially a long one, releases a neurotransmitter and hormone oxytocin, which reduces the reactivity of the amygdala."

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